تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Submitted by webmaster on 22 مايو 2024

ڤيتوسيل اكس اكس 772

مانع تسرب مقاوم للماء قائم على السيلان-سيلاكسين بأساس مذيب

Vetoseal XX772 is a solvent-based silane-siloxane penetrating hydrophobic water repellent. It penetrates the cementitious or stone substrates, reacts, and works by increasing the surface tension of water to slide away from the surface. Vetoseal XX772 allows the substrate to breathe by allowing water vapor to escape the substrate and drastically reducing water absorption and resisting the ingress of chloride ions.


  • Transforming construction substrates to waterrepelling surfaces.
  • Cementitious substrates: block and brickwork, pre-cast panels, and plasters.
  • Sealing and treatment natural stone, marble, and absorbent tiles.
  • As a sealer for cementitious-based Vetotouch range of EIFS/ ETICS finishes.


  • Single component fast easy application.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Easily penetrates substrates.
  • Nonstaining.
  • Reduces water and chloride intrusion.
  • Increases freeze-thaw resistance.
  • Minimizes efflorescence.
  • Allows water vapor to escape from the structure and resistant to atmospheric contaminants.

تعليمات الاستخدام

1. Water Pressure Testing: Vetoseal XX772 cannot undergo high-water pressure testing. Instead, it is recommended to apply it manually or using a garden spray for testing purposes. 

2. Factors Affecting Performance: The performance of Vetoseal XX772 may be influenced by the following factors:

  • Erosion, Sandstorms, and Heavy Storms: Exposure to these environmental conditions can have an impact on the performance of the product. 
  • Friction: Friction can affect the effectiveness of Vetoseal XX772. Care should be taken to minimize friction during application and subsequent usage. 
  • Vibration: Vibrations can lead to the development of micro cracks in the substrate, which might compromise the performance of Vetoseal XX772. 
  • Impact Forces: Any accidents or incidents that result in impact forces on the substrate can also pose a risk to the performance of the product.

3. Waterproofing Capability: It’s important to note that Vetoseal XX772 is not a waterproofing membrane designed to withstand hydrostatic pressure. As such, it is recommended for applications where hydrostatic pressure is not a concern.


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