تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Submitted by webmaster on 11 June 2024

ڤيتوبرايم اي بي 390

إيبوكسي غني بالزنك.

Vetoprime EP390 is a two-component solvent-free epoxy modified with zinc to provide the highest protection against steel corrosion. It is a specialty industrial primer for the Vetorep and Vetotop product range, its applied on prepared concrete and cementitious substrates to seal the substrate and enhance bonding with topcoats. The product can be used as a stand-alone product in internal applications as a seal coat to harden cementitious surfaces and prevent dusting. Vetoprime EP390 has sealing properties, making it ideal for concrete substrates.


  • As an industrial-grade primer for resinous flooring and concrete repair systems.
  • As a primer on damp concrete.
  • Sealing of highly porous cementitious substrates.
  • As a primer and corrosion inhibitor for steel re-baring and reinforcements in concrete structures.


  • Easily applied by brush, roller, or spray.
  • Versatile with applications in a large number of coating materials and sealants.
  • It can be applied to damp concrete.
  • High wetting properties.
  • Damp tolerant.
  • Perfect for use with epoxy, urethane repairs, screeds, and self smoothening toppings.
  • Prevents corrosion and rust of rebars and steel reinforcement.
  • Cost-effective, suitable for use in MENA region conditions.

تعليمات الاستخدام

Clean all tools and equipment immediately after use with Vetonit Solvent XX400.


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